It's the work of Command Transportation, a freight broker with an electronic billboard that creates some buzzy displays, routinely from the world of sports. 这是货运代理运输指挥中心的杰作,他们曾使用电子广告牌创造了很多搞笑的效果,通常应用于体育行业。
The Indian export tax has contributed to tighten the market, said Michael Gaylard, an iron ore broker at Freight Investors Services in London. FreightInvestorsServices驻伦敦铁矿石经纪商迈克尔盖拉德(MichaelGaylard)表示:印度征收出口关税,令市场吃紧。
The company has the qualification of NVOCC, freight forwarder, Air Freight, bonded warehouse, customer broker, and a10000 sq meter bonded warehouse in Miami Free Trade Zone. 公司拥有美国NVOCC、货代、航空运输、保税仓储、报关等相关资质,且拥有面积10000平方的,是迈阿密保税区内最大的公共保税库。
International freight forwarding industry is to accept the consignment from the shipper or the consignee, and act as the broker of consignor or with the name of their own, to handle international cargo transportation and related business and receive compensation for services industries. 国际货运代理业是指接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人的名义或者以自己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务并收取服务报酬的行业。